
May 31, 2024

Yes, I know the feeling, know you're leaving...

2007 - Ripsquad sampling Tegan and Sara

The good times are often fleeting.

Work has been a whirlwind. Have a few fun projects and a couple certs in mind to stave off becoming a jack of all trades. Maybe when things slow...

On a different note, keyboard layers have been remarkable. As someone who enjoys the alt-click of the G600, it feels like the same leap. I love a dedicated number pad, but can envision a 60%.


Forever relearning nuxt when coming back to it after months. Tidied up a few things and laid down the basics for navigation.

I may embark on the login page endeavor in the near future (next year... maybe?). Need to focus elsewhere, so hopefully I have fun rereading the docs in ~8 months...